Adult faith formation

Find A Group

Faith formation can mean a lot of different things. It can mean Sunday school, mid-week Bible studies, prayer groups, learning spiritual practices and more! Some of our groups have been meeting together for a long time. Other groups are short term commitments of 4-8 weeks. Whether you are looking for an established group or a short-term commitment, all of our groups are open and welcoming of new people. Contact us to talk about what you are looking for and we will be glad to help match you and introduce you to someone in the group to get started.

House Church

Monthly Meals

Various times and locations.

These groups eat, laugh, and pray together as they share the journey of faith.

Presbyterian Women

Seasonal Gatherings
Circles meet monthly and various times/locations.

Circles seek to foster Christian friendships and opportunities for Bible Study and hands-on ministry.

Men Of The Church

Breakfast, 7am, First Tuesday, GK Cafe

Meet for breakfast, devotion, and conversation before starting your day.

Senior Lunch Brunch

First Wednesday of the Month, 12pm, Fellowship Hall

Join us for lunch and a mix of games and informational programs. You bring your own lunch, we provide drinks, desserts, and friends!

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Wednesday Evenings, 6pm In The Parlor

If you love to knit or crochet or would like to learn, join us as we create and bless prayer shawls for members, friends, and hospice patients.

Prayers And Squares Ministry

Wednesdays, 10am-12pm, Room 207

Our quilters create works of art to comfort and cheer our congregation. Beginners are welcome!

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