Everyone gets to participate in the “big choir” (a.k.a. congregational singing), but we offer numerous ensembles ranging in age, skill level, and instrument for anyone who would like to contribute further to the music ministry. If you have a love for music and would like to find a way to be a part of the music ministry at First Presbyterian Church, there is a place for you here. All are welcome!
Comprised of high school, college, and adult singers, Chancel Choir leads the congregation in song during the 11am worship service. Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm and just before worship on Sunday morning. Chancel Choir is open to all who wish to sing, regardless of previous experience.
Email our Director Of Music
Karrie Rushing
Westminster Chimes is FPC's adult handbell ensemble. Ringers meet Tuesday evenings from 7-8pm for rehearsal and typically ring in worship 2-3 times per semester. While the ability to read music notation is extremely helpful, it is not required.
Email our Director Of Music
Karrie Rushing
Kids at FPC have the opportunity to participate in Children's Choir and General Music activities such as bells/chimes, Orff, and percussion. Stay tuned for information on the 2024-25 season!
Email our Director Of Music
Karrie Rushing
Do you play an instrument or have other performing arts experience? Interested in learning more about helping with sound, live stream, etc.? For more information on the Music Ministry and find out how you fit in it, please contact Karrie Rushing, Director of Music.
Email our Director Of Music
Karrie Rushing