who we are

We are a PC(USA) Presbyterian church. The mission and purpose of the PC(USA), focuses on spiritual nourishment, social justice, worship, truth, and the proclamation of the gospel.

Our Mission

We share our journey and grow in faith together- at times boldly and at times humbly - but always with the awareness that it is the daily giving of God's love to others we experience that same love and grace.

What We Believe

We believe that church isn't just about a building with a cross. It's about people's relationship with God and each other.

  • About God

    In life and in death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve.

  • About The Bible

    The Bible - We believe the holy scriptures (both the Old and New Testaments) are the living Word of God, and the clearest lens through which we can see God at work in history, in our world, and in our lives. See more here -https://www.presbyterianmission.org/what-we-believe/the-bible-ii/

  • About Baptism

    We believe baptism is a sign of God's unconditional grace and love and an act of the Holy Spirit. As such, we recognize all tinitarian baptsims from other churches and Christian traditions. In our congregation, we baptize babies, young children, teens, and adults either at the their profession of faith, or through the faith and promise of their families and community. See more here - Baptism - https://www.presbyterianmission.org/what-we-believe/baptism/

  • About Social Issues

    The gosple is not partisan, but it is political in so much as it calls us to care for all creation and to work for the reconciliation of the world. We are a "purple church" with folks spanning the full breadth of political ideaologies. In our worship and witness, we seek, "to reveal God’s grace in places of suffering and need, to resist the forces that tyrannize, and to support the forces that restore the dignity of all [people] as the children of God, for only so is the gospel most fully proclaimed." (1958 Statement – PC(USA), p. 537). For more, see here - https://www.presbyterianmission.org/what-we-believe/social-issues/

  • About LGBTQIA+

    At FPC, we not only welcome all people, we have church members and staff from this community who are a beloved, trusted, and vital part of our church leadership. You can learn more about the PC(USA) stance here: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/what-we-believe/sexuality-and-same-gender-relationships/

A white background with a few lines on it

"And now faith, hope, and love remain, these three, and the greatest of these is love."

we are an open door


We are an open door to all who seek Christ in their lives. Worship is our lighthouse, our primary outward facing program, the heartbeat of our community which drives our mission. We welcome all to our table through our service that is steeped in the Reformed tradition while being engaging and bringing a relevant and timely message of the Gospel for our lives.


Spiritual growth

We are a community of life-long learners encouraging spiritual growth through worship, service, and study. We offer education for all ages on Sundays, Presbyterian Women circles for Bible study, and other large and small group study opportunities throughout the year. Our youth programming continues to develop disciples through prayer, play, mentoring, and mission.


passion for spiritual growth

nurturing fellowship

Care & Connection

Care & Connection strengthens our congregation by building friendships among people of all ages and supporting one another through difficult time. Our pastoral staff offers compassionate care in homes, hospitals, skilled care units, coffee shops, and anywhere people need support. Our membership ministry provides regular opportunities for fellowship through potlucks, after church lingerings, and other events like the Chili Cookoff. They also support our Presbyterian Women circles, Men’s Group, Prayer Shawls, Prayers & Squares, House Churches and other small groups that help build deep, supportive friendships and special care in times of grief, illness, or struggle.


Mission & Outreach

Mission and Outreach is the very heart of our church. We are aware that our mission to “be an open door” extends both ways, and we seek to not only bring our neighbors in to church, but to go out and serve our community and the world. Our partner UKirk Campus Ministry serves the students and staff of ECU and other local college through weekly Bible Studies and Free Food Mondays. Our Mission Ministry is not just working on Mayfest raising money for community outreach. They are in constant motion caring for our community through the Ripe Revival produce market, shelter meals, backpack buddies, supporting local schools with supplies and hygiene kits, emergency relief, Toys for Tots and so much more. Our confirmation class, youth, and children serve at different community organizations like the food bank and animal shelter, and young people travel for a week of service learning every summer.


faithfully serving others

Our staff

The staff at First Presbyterian Church cares deeply about the mission and members of the church and share a dedication to equipping the congregation to "Share the Journey & Grow the Faith".

karen jackson


Karen is a dynamic speaker, consultant, and writer, but at her heart she is a pastor. It is her deepest blessing to serve the people of God with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.   Karen serves on the Board of Ukirk College Ministries and partnership with the ECU Jesse Peele Center in caring for LGTBQ+ students.  Karen has been highlighted in Presbyterians Today for her work and is also known for her role with Practical Resources for Churches.

karrie rushing


Karrie directs the Chancel Choir, Westminster Chimes, JAM Singers, Cherub Choir, and varied pop-up youth ensembles, and oversees other aspects of the music ministry including concert series, scholarship singers, and volunteer-led ensembles.

Karrie received the Bachelor of Music in Music Education from East Carolina University and the Master of Music in Choral Conducting from Florida State University. She has a passion for helping both children and adults discover new ways in which they can make music and creating connections to make music accessible to everyone.  

Karrie is an active member of American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) and Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM). She has served on the Executive Boards of the North Carolina Chapter of ACDA (Music in Worship Repertoire and Resources Chair) and PAM (At-Large Representative) and was honored to serve as the Co-Director of the 2023 PAM Worship and Music Conference at Montreat.

brad collier


A native of Goldsboro, NC, Brad attended East Carolina University where he earned a Bachelor and Master of Music Education and a Master of Arts in Adult Education. During his formal musical training, his principal organ instructors were Colin Andrews, Janette Fishell and Andrew Scanlon. He holds the Service Playing Certificate and Colleague Certification from the American Guild of Organists and the North Carolina Community College Teaching Certificate from East Carolina University. Brad is a member of the American Guild of Organists and the Presbyterian Association of Musicians.

Brad is also Assistant Director of First Year and Transition Programs in the College of Engineering and Technology at ECU. Brad is an adjunct music instructor for local community colleges, where he teaches online courses in Music Appreciation, The History of Jazz and The History of Rock and Roll.

brian dilday

Youth Director

Brian is an energetic, loving, lovable, passionate and connectional youth leader.  Youth rave about his leadership and the ways in which he equips them on their spiritual journey.  Brian directs Youth Group (Grades 6-12) and Fab Friday (Grades 4-5).  Brian also runs our confirmation program and staffs and facilitates our youth council.  Each summer, he leads our youth on a mission trip and takes our high schoolers to Montreat Youth Conference.  Our youth program is based on Faith, Hope, and Love while spreading God's word and serving others.


Director of Children's Ministries

Financial Administrator

Trista sees children and their families as the heartbeat of the church and feels blessed to be a part of such an amazing and important ministry! Answering God's call has allowed Trista the opportunity to use her gifts and talents in many different places and churches throughout her career. If the church was a baseball team, she would be the team's switch hitter or utility player. From mega churches to small town churches, she has knowledge and experience in many different positions and believes that God leads her exactly where He needs her to be! Trista would be happy to help you with anything pertaining to Children's ministry or Finance here at FPC.

janice gray


Janice is the organized, thoughtful, compassionate, and essential communications hub of the FPC staff. She is the editor of the weekly newsletter, creates the bulletins for worship, maintains the church calendar, and is the face of the church for members, visitors, vendors, and those who use the FPC facility during the week. She also manages the membership database and supervises office volunteers, among many other duties. Janice received a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication from UNC-Chapel Hill, and has worked at FPC for more than 15 years.

terrence clemons


Terrence Clemons has been the sexton at FPC for over 15 years. In addition to his primary role, he assists with the annual Mayfest event and works with the building committee on maintenance.

A native of Greenville, NC, Terrence has been married to Teresa Clemons for 20 years. They have five adult children and six grandchildren.

In his spare time, Terrence enjoys watching baseball and serving his community. He volunteers at his local church, co-chairs the Sunday school, and advises the building and grounds committee. He is also an advocate for better services for the elderly and younger generation.

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