Christian Education

& Spiritual Formation

Education & Spiritual Formation

Adult Sunday School Classes:

Nurturing Our Faith, Room 110 (Parlor): This new class focuses on nurturing fresh connections with faith and one another; they are currently studying Wholehearted Faith by Rachel Held Evans.

Westminster, Room 202 (upstairs): This class has met for many years to study the Present Word curriculum.

Covenant, Room 224 (upstairs): Anyone who wants to attend is welcome to join this class for their study of Parables: Stories for Life in God's World.

New Wine, Room 205 (upstairs): This group is currently studying the book of John. They are active in mission as a group and welcome new members.

Fab Friday:
Fab Friday is a program designed for 4th and 5th graders to come together
once a month for food, fellowship and fun. We also have an annual Lock In
and we do different field trips throughout the year--ice skating, Laser Tag,
Ice Skating and Pizza, Christmas Lights tour. We are very thankful for our
church that provides a safe space for these young people to come and play
and share their stories and grow in their faith. This program serves as a
springboard to our Youth Program that begins in 6th grade. If you need
any information, please contact Brian Dilday, Youth Director,

Confirmation Class:
Confirmation Class is set up for our Youth to be able to reaffirm their faith
and become voting members of our congregation. Their foundation has
been laid through many years of attending Sunday School, Fab Friday, and
Youth Group. It would not be possible without the love and support of their
family. Members of this group must be in 8th grade or higher and class
begins in October. We meet weekly for our lessons and we have 3 retreats
and service projects throughout their time. Each Confirmands selects a
sponsoring Elder/Mentor that helps to guide them along their faith journey.
Confirmation Sunday is typically held in May. We have worked at the Food
Bank, working at Third Street School, helping clean our church grounds,
and yard work for Winterville Manor. The third retreat is an overnight
experience where we go to finish any classes and work on their faith
statements. This class is taught by Brian Dilday, Youth Director.

Youth Group:
The Youth Program of First Presbyterian Church is set up for all 6th-12th
grade students where we focus on building a community of faith, hope and
love. We meet weekly on Sunday evenings for a Bible Study, fellowship,
and fun. Our program strives to serve our congregation, our community,
our state, and around the world. There are many different opportunities for
our youth to participate in that allows them to share in the journey and grow
in their faith together. Each year, we have lock ins, Mid High and Senior
High Retreats, Yard Clean Ups, fundraisers, food bank, canned food
collections, hurricane relief, sponsor the Easter Egg Hunt, visits to the
Humane Society, host the Fall Festival, Ultimate Frisbee shop for families
at Christmas, serve the Shelter meal, annual Ski Trip, Youth Sunday,
Mission Trips, and Montreat Youth Week. It is a very active program with a
very high energy level. There is a passion within the group to spread God’s
love to others. We are very fortunate to have so much love and support
from our church in all that we do. With all of our activities, we are fortunate
to have many advisors and two Youth Ministry Interns that join us regularly.
Please contact Brian Dilday, Youth Director, if you have any questions
about our program at 252-367-1914.


Youth of First Presbyterian Church come together each week to grow in their faith journey by studying God’s word, interpreting the message, and learning how to apply it in their everyday lives. This is a welcoming group of young people who give one another encouragement and support through their Christian love for each other.  We meet in the basement on Sundays at 9:45am.

First Presbyterian Church is located at the corner of

Elm Street and 14th Street with parking lots on either side.  

Our address is 1400 S. Elm Street Greenville, NC 27858

We highly recommend first time visitors use the 14th street parking for ease of access.

Visitors, vendors, and deliveries during the week should always use the 14th Street entrance and will need to be buzzed in.