Please contact the Financial Administrator if you are in need of a volunteer mileage form.
Financial Forms
PW Scholarship Forms
FPC is now able to accept online donations and pledge payments via credit card and bank draft. You can click the Give Now button here or at the bottom of the page to connect to our Vanco online payment vendor.
PLEASE use the Notes field the same way that you would use the Memo line on a check. All online donations will be applied as offerings to the General Fund unless otherwise noted.
There is also a Vanco Give+ app that can be used on phones and tablets. Please click the links forInstructionsand anFAQ.
Interested in pledging online or knowing more about our stewardship program? Visit our "giving" page.
At First Presbyterian Church, we have a “Worship Plus Two” goal that each adult and youth, as a tithe of time and talents, attends a worship time weekly and is involved in at least two ministries of the church. Please return a completed brochure (one per family member) in any service or return to the church office. You can download one of our Worship Plus 2 brochures by clicking on the image below.
Click on the image below to be directed to our online pledge form for the 2022 ministry year.