Changing Seasons

A Reflection on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 as the Seasons Change

by Rob Jackson on August 30, 2023

Click Here to Read the Scripture Passage

The Wisdom of Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a time and a season for everything.  As the calendar turns from August to September, we find ourselves in an “in-between place.”  We know the temperatures will cool, but when? We know that the leaves on the trees will change and fall, but how will they look this year?  We know that our favorite football teams will take the field, but we don’t know how their season will go yet. We move from summer, its trips, and relaxed schedules, and into more structured times, especially for students, educators, and those whose lives revolve around school calendars and church programming.

There are unpredictable transitions all around us in our changing seasons, and even if there is a season for everything, navigating changes in seasons is not always easy.  What changes will come in our lives at the same time as the air gets crisp?  What new rhythms will we adopt and to what old things will we bid farewell?  For some, this is the season to send kids off to college.  For some, this is a season to tackle new goals and new fun possibilities emerge.  For some, this is the season when they fight for their health, or even fight for their life, because illness has reared its ugly head.

I find comfort in a couple of things in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.  One is that we know if times are not to our liking, times will change again.  Sort of like the weather in eastern North Carolina, if you don’t like the weather, hang on. It will change soon enough. The wisdom of Ecclesiastes reminds us that we are forever oscillating between types of seasons. 

Another great comfort is more subtle, written between the lines: God is still the Lord in every season.  No matter what we are up to, no matter the season of life, the political climate, no matter if times are good or bad or in transition between- God’s love, grace, and providence remain constant, even if everything else changes.

So, as the season changes, and iced tea yields to pumpkin spice, give space to reflect and pray about how God will be walking with you through this next season.  We might not be able to read our new season’s future, but we can count on God to be there.

Grace and peace,



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