Lovers of the Light

Lovers of the Light at the Darkest Time of Year: Inspired by John 1:1-18

by Rob Jackson on December 13, 2023

Link to John 1: 1-18 (NRSV)

You might have noticed.  It is dark outside. Sunset begins before 5pm for the next few weeks. The day seems to crash into its end prematurely. The shortening of the days culminates in the Winter Solstice on December 21st.  Many dread this time of year it because it is such melancholy drudgery for it to be dark before we even get in the car after work.  For others, the lack of daylight is a harbinger of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

All of these factors, combined with the Holiday Season’s constant drum beat that CHRISTMAS IS COMING, and WE SHOULD ALL BE HAPPY, even through the anxiety of a million things to do. There are high expectations…travel plans... financial crunches…and of course the desire to DO The RIGHT THING and BE THE RIGHT PERSON who exhibits the Christmas Spirit.  At the same time there is the weight of every past gathering, every drama, every trauma…every death is relived as we remember loved ones who are not gathering with us anymore. It can be an overwhelming season and sometimes we wish we could just spend some time in the sunshine and forget all of the holiday demands.  So, beach trip anyone? Maybe we should go to the tropics!? And, of course, there is the season that follows Christmas- January and February.  The fun is over, but it is still dark and cold, and everyone seems like they are in a bad mood.

In case you need to hear this: It is ok to not be ok.  It is not weird to have mixed feelings when the “spirit” of the entirety of the merchandizing world, the church calendar, and the expectations of others tell you that you must feel a certain way.  Baby Jesus did not come into this world to make us lie to ourselves about how we feel or to ignore the difficult things in life. Jesus came to heal us, teach us, and reconcile us to our Creator and bring about the Kingdom of God. 

Celebrating this birth in December has very little to do with what time of year Jesus was historically born (because we do not really know that!). I think the early church leaders used the Winter Solstice (but just a couple of days later) as our celebration day because Jesus is exactly what we need when we feel like we are surrounded by darkness that comes early and leaves late.

I have a spiritual practice every Advent/Christmas season.  I try to find time alone, sitting among the lights and decorations, contemplating Jesus as the Light of the World. On some days, it is easy.  I have known Jesus and loved Jesus my who life.  On other days, the connection does not feel as strong; it is more difficult.  That is when the darkness feels the strongest.

Later, in the week before we take down the tree, I always find time to sit in the dark with nothing lit besides the tree.  I refuse to go to bed until I find a sense of peace that I can make it through the rest of the winter without the pretty lights because I know the Light of the World will still carry on.

Some years it comes quickly. Some years I have spent almost the whole night sitting by the glow of the tree. But peace always comes, eventually.

For we “Lovers of the Light,” Advent and Christmas may occur in a season of darkness, but we will hold tight to this truth:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

Grace and peace to you, my fellow Lovers of the Light,

Pastor Rob

NOTE: The title of this blog post came from reflection on John 1:1-18, but I also have to give credit to Mumford & Sons, whose song put the phrase in my head to begin with.  If you are interested, it's a great song, and reflecting on its lyrics as an ode to Christ can provide a rich reflection, as well.

You can watch the music video on YouTube below...


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