The Disappearing Church Test

by Rob Jackson on November 14, 2022

I cannot remember where I first heard the "Disappearing Church Test" but I remember it was in a room full of dedicated church people and there was a collective gasp.  We were not so much offended, but horrified that it was a question that could seriously be posed.

If your church disappeared tomorrow, who would miss it- besides yourselves?

The question is meant to challenge us to shift our focus from what we want out of church and to think about how our church exists for the mission of God in our community. So how does FPC hold up to this test? Quite well, actually! Just this past weekend, FPC completed a mission project for the community, partnered with Churches Outreach Network. You unloaded TEN pallets of food, organized it, and packed 400 boxes of food and 300 bags of food and loaded the truck for delivery to its storage facility. And that is just one of our projects! A huge shoutout goes to Kristie Wooten for her leadership in organ-izing this event, but such a massive undertaking could not happen without so many people helping out.

During disasters, we are there. When COVID hit, community hygiene kits and cleaning kits were assembled here, and when the Interfaith Clergy's venue for Martin Luther King Day fell through, FPC stepped up with both facilities and technology to make sure it still happened. These are just a few of the things we do.
Check out our webpage dedicated to considering this question at I am so thankful for the big heart of the people of FPC and that we make such a big impact on our community around us!
Grace and Peace,


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