11:00 service All Saints Sunday Rev. Karen Ware Jackson Sermon Title: "Children of God" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Karen Ware Jackson Sermon Title: Generosity Sunday Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Rob Jackson Sermon Title: "Imago Dei" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Karen Ware Jackson Sermon Title: "Together for Joy" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Karen Jackson Sermon Title: "The Heavens Are Telling The Glory Of God" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Karen Ware Jackson Sermon Title: "Is the Lord Among Us or Not?" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Rob Jackson Sermon Title: "Lessons from the Vineyard" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Karen Ware Jackson Sermon Title: "Surrounded" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Karen Ware Jackson Rally Day Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
11:00 service Rev. Rob Jackson Sermon Title: "God of our Ancestors" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI # 2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
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Season of Lent & Easter 2023
Season of Epiphany 2023
Baptism of the Lord (1/8/23) through Transfiguration (2/19/23)
Advent/Christmas season (2022)
Fall 2022 (Lectionary)
Late Summer 2022 (Lectionary, Hebrews)
Summer 2022 Wade Into the Waters
Full to the Brim Lent and Easter 2022
Lent, including Holy Week and the 7 Sundays of Easter
Season after Epiphany Winter 2022
Advent/Christmas Season 2021 (& January 2022)
A Future with Hope- Planning for our Future Ministry Together
Special Guest Preacher Rev. Frank Dew on November 7, 2021
Dedication Sunday with FPC Member Panelists November 14, 2021
Fall 2021 (Lectionary)
Fall Worship Services following the Revised Common Lectionary