Rev. Amanda Hines Preaching John 21:15-19 Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
Easter 11am service Rev. Rob Jackson preaching Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897 Led by Rev. Karen Ware Jackson
Maundy Thursday Interactive Zoom Service April 1, 2021 led by Rev. Amanda Hines Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
Rev. Karen Ware Jackson preaching on Peace this 5th Sunday of Lent and of our series "Hope Beyond Pandemic." One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
For the fourth Sunday in our Lenten "Hope Beyond Pandemic" series, Rev. Rob Jackson is preaching on "Healing" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
For the third Sunday in our Lenten "Hope Beyond Pandemic" series, Rev. Rob Jackson is preaching on "Community" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897 11:00am Service. The 8:30am recording can be found on the church Facebook page (link below).
For the first Sunday in our Lenten "Hope Beyond Pandemic" series, Rev. Karen Ware Jackson is preaching on "Gratitude" Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897
For the first Sunday in our Lenten "Hope Beyond Pandemic" series, Rev. Karen Ware Jackson is preaching on "Humility"- Micah 6:1-8. Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-701737 CCLI #2040189 CCLI Streaming/Podcast: # CSPL024897